Katia Guido
Una gipsy bohemien pantofolaia. Aspirante scrittrice, sognatrice a tempo pieno, lettrice irrequieta. Vorrebbe essere Belle (non per la Bestia ma per la biblioteca).
Segni particolari
Redattrice di Aphorism dal 2005. In tanti, troppi, mi dicono che sono come "Amélie"
Poesie di Katia Guido
60 su 111
One day I will go home - Un giorno tornerò a casa
I truly long for the place
where I once was conceived.
One day I will go back
and the light(…)
where I once was conceived.
One day I will go back
and the light(…)
Last night - L'altra notte
Last night I woke up
on a trail of rose buds
with the sound of my dreams
piercing through my(…)
on a trail of rose buds
with the sound of my dreams
piercing through my(…)
In front of me - Traduzione in fondo
I've watched your lips moving
drawing words about nothing
and everything. There was a(…)
drawing words about nothing
and everything. There was a(…)
The empty pillow - Il cuscino vuoto
If your face was flesh and blood
warm instead of this cold empty pillow,
soul and words your(…)
warm instead of this cold empty pillow,
soul and words your(…)
Falling out of love - Disinnamorarsi
Suddenly when you wake up,
the fog in front of your eyes thins out
what you thought to(…)
the fog in front of your eyes thins out
what you thought to(…)
The Bargain - Il Patto
On the borderland to a wonder world,
where crimson clouds cry raspberry rain
and crazy winds(…)
where crimson clouds cry raspberry rain
and crazy winds(…)
Rainy days - Giorni di pioggia
On rainy days,
words pour down on me,
like water from the sky.
Enchanting sparkling drops (…)
words pour down on me,
like water from the sky.
Enchanting sparkling drops (…)
Oblivion - Oblio
Somewhere in the far land of daydreams,
in a forgotten corner,
where the thickest of the(…)
in a forgotten corner,
where the thickest of the(…)
Die Trennung - La separazione
Sollte sich der Himmel von der Sonne trennen,
dann würden keine erfrischenden Wolken mehr(…)
dann würden keine erfrischenden Wolken mehr(…)
Cuore di zucchero
Il mio cuore è cristallizzato
trafitto da un paletto
con un colpo preciso e netto.
Pare un(…)
trafitto da un paletto
con un colpo preciso e netto.
Pare un(…)